Green The Hotels

Opportunities, solutions & advice


hotels and the environment
greening the hotels
eco-certificates & labels
case studies
ongoing projects
about me
my travels/moje podróże
po polsku


 * start page


Welcome to my "Green the Hotels" web page.

I have been working with the hotel issues for the past couple of years and my observations have lead me to conclude that hotel operation is by no means impact-free and environmentally friendly. Hotels generate pressure on the natural environment, resources as well as local communities. If the industry is to develop further and operate successfully, these issues need to be addressed. Time is of the utmost concern, since it may already be too late for many destinations to counteract the harm that has already been done.

Therefore we need to act right now to make the hotels of the world more environmentally friendly.

Through this web page I want to show the impacts exerted by hotels on the natural environment and also suggest possible solutions for more environmentally responsible management and operation of hotel facilities.

Thank You for visiting my web page and please visit it again!

Paulina Bohdanowicz-Godfrey


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